Sawtell Dunecare expanded in 2020 to include Boambee Headland. This has greatly increased the size of our site with not only a greater mix of weeds to manage but a wonderful diverse mix of endemic plants and habitat to learn and appreciate.
Fortunately we have also expanded our volunteer base with 10 new members coming on board in the last 12 months. We have also been able to offer weekly working bees each Sunday morning.

Mother-of-millions, Bryophyllum delagoense
One constant management issue is Mother of Millions which persists in the Coastal foredune. We recently blitzed an emerging crop poking their lovely red heads above the Coastal wattle. Countless kilograms of plant material have been removed from the environment but more importantly, incalculable numbers of future plants.
We have also provided important backup for the Council Bush Regeneration teams on Boambee Headland as they battle entrenched Lantana, Bitou, Senna and a variety of introduced grasses.
Thanks to all those members who have given up their time and put in to maintain our unique coastal vegetation and keep at least some of the weeds under control. ~ Dave Wood