At one of our sites on Finlays Rd, Korora Basin LC have planted numerous wet schleropyll and rainforest spp across an area which was previously dominated by Lantana and Senna. Over ten years, these trees have established themselves and are now producing seedlings. Myself and Tom Fish were monitoring the site a couple months ago and came across a nest with an egg – most likely a Willie wagtail or a Wren. Tom said if we came back the next day we might find another egg – which we did.
The nest is established in a small seedling which is a little precarious though ensures the eggs won’t be eaten by a snake – as the seedling won’t support the snake.
According to Tom less than 5% of eggs become mature birds. Hopefully this one might which would be a rewarding outcome for all of our work.
Simon Proust – Site Coordinator, Korora Basin Landcare