Our beautiful environment is no place for rubbish and debris so some of our wonderful Landcare volunteers are hosting Clean Up Australia events in our local areas.
The following Landcare groups are participating this year and would love your support. Please chewck back for updates as more groups register their participation.
Korora Landcare, Sunday March 2nd from 9:00am to 11:00am
Red Rock Landcare will be hosting a ‘targeted’ Clean Up Australia Day event on Sunday 2nd March, from 9am-11am. Specifically they will be collecting dumped rubbish (eg building materials, bicycles, timber, even a garage roller door) dumped in the ‘bush/wilderness'(!) rather than litter which is regularly collected by Landcare workers and other residents. Any Landcarer interested in joining us should contact Rose Treilibs on 0418112390.
Woolgoolga Back Beach, Sunday, March 2nd from 8:00am to 11:00am