CHRL is excited to announce the launch of our “Creating More Resilient Landscapes” projects, made possible with funding from the City of Coffs Harbour Environmental Levy. These projects will help to reduce the encroachment of invasive weeds onto Landcare sites from unmanaged adjacent areas. Professional bush regeneration contractors will be engaged to carry out weed control in the unmanaged adjacent areas to reduce the weed load and help prevent weeds from spreading back into the Landcare sites. Sites will include Woolgoolga Lake Landcare, Boambee Headland Landcare, Pearce Drive Landcare, Friends of Coffs Creek Landcare, Darkum Beach Landcare, Arrawarra Coastcare, Park Beach Dunecare, and Woolgoolga Back Beach Dunecare. By extending bush regeneration efforts into the buffer zones of these sites, we aim to reduce weed seed dispersal, enhance ecosystem resilience, and improve the health of our local landscapes.

These projects also focus on preserving Endangered Ecological Communities (EECs). Some of these sites contain valuable remnants of EECs, including, Littoral Rainforest, Headland Brush Box Littoral Rainforest, and Coastal Paperbark Swamp Box Littoral Forest. By expanding bush regeneration into the buffer zones, we will further protect and restore these EECs, increase biodiversity, and enhance the overall aesthetic quality of our natural environments. Supported by local contractors and our dedicated CHRL volunteers, this initiative will benefit the entire Coffs Harbour community by ensuring the health and longevity of our cherished natural landscapes for generations to come.


An initiative delivered by the City of Coffs Harbour, as part of the Environmental Levy Grants Program