We now have a better idea around what fauna are using/ living on some of our Landcare sites (Woolgoolga Lake, Tree Fern Creek & Boambee Headland) after GeoLINK carried out fauna surveys earlier in the year. Several survey techniques were used including remote sensing camera trapping and nocturnal arboreal fauna surveys using spotlight and call playback methods.
In total 23 native fauna species were detected at Woolgoolga Lake, 24 at Boambee Headland and 13 at Tree Fern Creek. These included threatened species which was exciting with 3 observed at Tree Fern Creek alone, including a Powerful Owl, Squirrel Glider and Grey headed flying fox. Tree Fern Creek has such a narrow corridor of vegetation between residences; however, this corridor is playing a significant role in providing habitat for these species. For more information on the results of the survey please follow the link to the Survey report. Knowing what fauna is inhabiting our Landcare sites will help us to better plan our restoration activities for the benefit of these species.
The survey reports have now been added to our website should you wish to view them in further detail.