Applications are now open for free Koala drinking stations through WIRES.
Working with Dr Valentine Mella from the University of Sydney, WIRES began a million dollar Water for Wildlife project, thanks to the generous support of the global community this year to help wildlife post fires.
Past research had previously found that koalas used supplemented water extensively throughout the year, even during cooler months. Time spent drinking varied with season and depended on days since last rain and temperature. The more days without rain, the more time koalas spent drinking. When temperature was high, visits to water stations were more frequent, indicating that in hot weather koalas need regular access to free water. The arboreal drinkers were also regularly visited by other native animals including; sugar gliders, squirrel gliders, feathertail gliders, brushtail possums, tree frogs, geckos, pythons, a variety of birds including eastern rosellas, musk lorikeets, noisy miners, galahs, cockatoos, butcher birds, kites, apostlebirds and magpies.
Priority will be given to areas impacted by the recent drought and fires and areas low on water where wildlife would most benefit over the coming summer. Private and public landowners can apply.
For further details and to submit an application for the Waters For Wildlife Project, visit the WIRES website. Applications are due to close 9th Oct 2020.