This project aims to provide the opportunity for CHRL to focus more on the native flora and fauna that call our Landcare sites home. Much of our volunteer’s time is spent focusing on the weeds that impact our sites often leaving us without an in depth understanding of the biodiversity that occurs there. A series of monitoring studies such as flora, bird and other fauna surveys will occur over the period of this project across four of our Landcare sites. The data collected during this monitoring will provide us with better insights into the biodiversity of these sites and allow us to plan and target our future restoration activities to the benefit of the flora/fauna that naturally occurs there or may be using it. Professional ecologists will be engaged to undertake the monitoring and Landcare volunteers will be trained and encouraged to participate in these monitoring activities becoming ‘citizen scientists’ for their sites so information can continue to be collected into the future.
Report – Fauna Survey 2 December 2024
Report – Fauna Survey 1 June 2024
Report – Macroinvertebrate Inventory July 2023
Report – Birds Pilot Project June 2023
An initiative delivered by Coffs Harbour City Council, as part of the Environmental Levy Grants Program.